Monday, May 23, 2011

{ Butterfly Specimen Displays }

I made some cute butterfly specimen displays, without harming any of those lovely creatures.
A long time ago I bought several cheap, small and unfinished shadowbox frames. For sometime now I had been thinking about what to do with them. Then the idea of a butterfly specimen display came about. They seem to be rather popular in home decor these days. Besides, who doesn't like a pretty butterfly?

Since I like butterflies to be alive instead of speared onto a pin I searched the internet
for butterfly photos I liked. Then printed and cut them out. 
The back and sides of the inside of the frame were covered in cotton fabric.....a.k.a. 

{A painters drop cloth}.

The frame has been painted a crisp white and finally the butterflies have been glued to the frames backing.

Hardly took any time at all to do!

Thanx for having a looksee =)

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