Tuesday, November 1, 2011

{ Folded Flowers Wall Art }

 I've had this old perfectly square frame laying in my craft room. The thing was constantly in my way and finally I had enough!

It was time to place something in the frame and find it a home within my home so it would not be in the way anymore and serve a purpose. 
We just remodeled the last 2 of our guest rooms and they had absolutely nothing in them yet.
I figured this frame would be a nice beginning. The only thing I needed was some picture or something else artsy to place inside of it.

I decided on doing a paper crafty insert for said frame. 

It was painted a chocolate brown, and I started to fold 9 of these lovely flowers. They were adhered to this nice vintage sheet music paper and embellished in the center with a glass pebble. Tadaaa.....

If you would like to {learn how to fold these flowers} check out my tutorial and use them in your own projects.

Thanx for having a looksee =)

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