Tuesday, November 1, 2011

{ Paper Folded Flower }

You need 9 paper circles. I cut mine with my die cutting machine, but a circle punch will do just fine. The bigger the circles the bigger the flower. I cut mine here at 1 1/2".

Fold the paper in half and then folded in half again.

 Open it up and fold two little flaps. 
The edges of your flaps should touch the folds.

Now turn the circle over and fold flaps in again. 
The creases from your first flaps should touch the center fold of your circle. 

Do the same steps with 8 of your 9 circles.

You will start creating your flower with the 9th circle as it's base. The easiest way to do this is to do the top, bottom, left and right petals first. Then adhere each of the pedals in between.

Then find something you like to embellish the flowers center with. Above I just used a button and below I used a glass pebble.

Thanx for having a looksee =)

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