Wednesday, October 20, 2010

{ Sad Little Wood And Canvas Chair }

I've had this chair for a long time and cannot remember how and when we got it. I will try and bring it back to live within the next week or so. I think with a little paint and new fabric this little guy will look nice again.

{ Doesn't it look sad? }

So here it is with it's back support missing, the wood is splattered with paint and is faded from exposure to sun.

Here I was taking it apart to get is ready for sanding

The old seat canvas has been washed so it can be covered with new fabric. I wanted to reuse it, because it is very sturdy. The new cover will be cotton canvas which is really a paint drop cloth I bought at the hardware store.

The wooden chair parts have been sanded, primed and painted white. After the paint had dried the seat canvas was replaced and secured with the hardware.

The only thing left to do was sew a new back support. For a little bit of girly flair I added a nice crochet border.

Here is the chair all finished. Still need to iron the back support a little tho!

 I can't help, but be proud of it. =)

Thanx for having a looksee =)

{ Guest Bathroom }

Finally we're starting on re-doing the guest bathroom!
I absolutely hate it and can't wait to cutesy it all up. It is very small, dark and has no personality.
We don't use it much, because it is just not a nice room to be in.

Popcorn Ceiling.....Honestly!?

Seams on the walls are just covered with thin strips of wood, 
cheap and cheesy mirror!
{ That's gotta go! }

Sad...sad....sad! { SIGH }

The old Vanity of which I forgot to take a pic has been ripped out.
My husband is taking out the bathtub after he already tore away one wall of sheet rock.

Not shabby for one afternoon worth of work! =)


The bathtub has been removed and after some measuring my husband realized that a new standard bathtub would not fit into this space. It was 6 inches to short! At this point there were a few options.

a: Special order a new tub
b: Go with just installing a shower setup OR
c: Move the wall 6 inches

Did you guess which we chose?.....Yes, you guessed right, hubby tore down the sheet rock ...I think I need to feed him more.
Look, he can almost hide behind a 2x4!

Time to loosen the frame and move it over. 
Do you see the U.G.L.Y aqua something color in the next door room? 
The entire house had been painted in screaming, bright, and different kinds of greens ....


That room is the last one in need of painting to get rid of some screwed up idea of a paint job. That's for another remodel project in the future tho.

The wall is moved over .....Yeahhhh!

Fast Forward >>>> Removed the old floor, moved the plumbing to the 
left hand side where the faucet for the tub will be. He also renewed the plumbing for the toilet and sink.

Next was a new sub floor and cement board. Then the bathtub was installed.

{ It's a perfect fit! }

To your left you see newly installed sheet rock and with that the wall is closed up again. What is not visible in this picture is a light coat of texture that has been sprayed on. Bead board is being installed on the ceiling. 
We went with the 10' boards instead of the shorter sheets. Plus we did not have to deal with any horizontal seams.

Here is the ceiling with all the boards installed and framed in by trim. The next step is to prime and paint

We tiled the walls around the bathtub with plain white tiles that I love, they give a clean nice look.

The floor has been tiled as well. Now the floor trim is almost all installed.

Thanx for having a looksee =)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

{ Craft Room Furnishings }

Since my { CLOSET DOOR IDEA } inspired a whole room makeover and a much bigger cost for the project, there was no way I could afford a craft table, desk or shelving.

Yup, I had to come up with a new idea! { smirk }

We had some unfinished bottom kitchen cabinets we bought years ago for a kitchen project that was never realized in our previous house. Soooo, what if we took 2 of them, and my hubby would make a top for them and make them into a nice sized craft table?

I asked my better half and as always he said: "Sure, we can do that."

Isn't he just the best? =)

He painted the cabinets with his paint sprayer, then took a sheet of wood he sanded smooth, painted that as well and attached it on top of the cabinets and {Voila!} an 8' long craft table with tons of storage!

I love it!

While he was at it, hubby made me a desk from 2 more cabinets.

Check it out, isn't it great!?

Yup, he made it fit into the "closet nook"
Of course the tables are taller than a regular one, so i'm still looking for a nice comfy counter chair. The one you see in the picture above just won't do. Also, the room really needs some cutesy things all around, but I'm working on that as I go along. Right now I'm organizing some of my stuff.

Oh, and I'm still searching for drawer pulls and door handles for my tables.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

{ My Craft Room }

This house has 4 bedrooms, so I picked one of the smaller ones in the back of the house to become my craft room. When we moved in, all my craft stuff was more or less just thrown in there and I had to dig around in boxes to find anything if I wanted to do one of my craft projects.

Finally a few weeks ago I have had enough and decided to at least paint the room and freshen it up a bit and then start organizing my stuff.

I moved all my things to the middle of the room and began painting the first wall.
While on a break I kept looking at the closet and thought if the door was removed and widened just a little the closet space would be a nice storage area. I would have to ask my husband if he could do that for me before I would get to the closet with my paint and brush. =)

I'm painting the room white. Almost half done!

When my husband came home from work that day I asked him about my closet idea and if he would do that for me. He said sure, no problem, whatever you want dear, it's your room.

I love that guy! =)

I thought it would not be a big deal to remove a door and get rid of the door frame and widen the opening a bit, RIGHT?

Oh boy was I wrong! What I figured to be a simple thing is not so when it comes to construction.
My husband did not tell me about all that was involved in taking that flippin door down.

Closet door and frame removed

The closet with new sheet rock , the room has been painted and at that point 
we're ripping out the carpet and padding.

My hubby said I needed a new window, so he installed one. With a windowsill!

New window trim, laminate floor and wall trim has been installed.

By the wall you see a refurbished old sewing table I had. I asked my husband to put a new top on and then I gave it a new coat of paint. I'm still looking for new drawer pulls for this cute little table. What I love best about this table is, that the drawers are really deep and have tons of room for keeping things

{ I like my new room! }

Isn't it neat how a small idea can turn into a complete room makeover? =)

{ Our House }

We bought this house a little over a year ago.
When I say house I mean it is a mobile home. I honestly never thought I would live in one!
We moved to this town, because my husband started a new job here with the local Police Department and this place was the only one we could afford and move into fairly quick.

It is a double wide and surprisingly large. More than enough space for my husband and I.
There are 4 bedrooms and of course a kitchen, a dining room with fire place, living room, master and guest bathroom, laundry room and a small office type room.

This house is not a new fancy one and needs a lot of remodeling to get it updated.
Trust me, it is far from being my dream home, but maybe after things get done to our liking it will start to feel like home!?

We will have to re-do each room as the budget allows.
I thought it would be neat to keep track of progresses made with renovations and decor projects by posting them here in this blog.

~ We're having a long road ahead of us in making this house a home! ~

{ Old Filing Cabinet Refab }

I have these old metal filing cabinets I thought would be great for storing patterns and other goodies in my new craft room.

Unfortunately they really just look like ordinary filing cabinets and have absolutely nothing cute about them. They need a makeover, so I started with the small one to see if they would turn out OK. I did not take any pictures of the process, but it really is quite simple to make filing cabinets look nice.

This is a relatively quick project and all you need for this re-do is some paint, brushes, fabric and most importantly Mod Podge!

  • Remove the drawer pulls and tag frames if you're drawers have any of those.
  • Paint your cabinet the color of your choice.
  • Measure the cabinet drawer fronts and cut out your fabric to cover the front. Paint the drawer with a layer of Mod Podge and immediately smooth your fabric panel onto the drawer, be sure to get rid of any bubbles.
  • Let it dry for an hour or two and then paint another layer of Mod Podge on top of the fabric.
  • Replace the hardware and enjoy a totally cute Cabinet.

Instead of fabric you could also use pretty scrapbook papers or wallpaper.
If you're not afraid of a little more work, why don't you try and cover the entire cabinet in fabric?

Now I just have to tackle the bigger cabinet as well ! =)

Monday, October 4, 2010

{ It's A Sad Day Today }

After more than 15 years of wonderful, funny and lovable times our little dog Fuzzy has passed away. She was a joy to have around and we loved her very much!

She's been by our side through good and bad times and it was very hard to say goodbye to her.
We sure will miss her and know there will never be another like her!