Wednesday, October 20, 2010

{ Guest Bathroom }

Finally we're starting on re-doing the guest bathroom!
I absolutely hate it and can't wait to cutesy it all up. It is very small, dark and has no personality.
We don't use it much, because it is just not a nice room to be in.

Popcorn Ceiling.....Honestly!?

Seams on the walls are just covered with thin strips of wood, 
cheap and cheesy mirror!
{ That's gotta go! }

Sad...sad....sad! { SIGH }

The old Vanity of which I forgot to take a pic has been ripped out.
My husband is taking out the bathtub after he already tore away one wall of sheet rock.

Not shabby for one afternoon worth of work! =)


The bathtub has been removed and after some measuring my husband realized that a new standard bathtub would not fit into this space. It was 6 inches to short! At this point there were a few options.

a: Special order a new tub
b: Go with just installing a shower setup OR
c: Move the wall 6 inches

Did you guess which we chose?.....Yes, you guessed right, hubby tore down the sheet rock ...I think I need to feed him more.
Look, he can almost hide behind a 2x4!

Time to loosen the frame and move it over. 
Do you see the U.G.L.Y aqua something color in the next door room? 
The entire house had been painted in screaming, bright, and different kinds of greens ....


That room is the last one in need of painting to get rid of some screwed up idea of a paint job. That's for another remodel project in the future tho.

The wall is moved over .....Yeahhhh!

Fast Forward >>>> Removed the old floor, moved the plumbing to the 
left hand side where the faucet for the tub will be. He also renewed the plumbing for the toilet and sink.

Next was a new sub floor and cement board. Then the bathtub was installed.

{ It's a perfect fit! }

To your left you see newly installed sheet rock and with that the wall is closed up again. What is not visible in this picture is a light coat of texture that has been sprayed on. Bead board is being installed on the ceiling. 
We went with the 10' boards instead of the shorter sheets. Plus we did not have to deal with any horizontal seams.

Here is the ceiling with all the boards installed and framed in by trim. The next step is to prime and paint

We tiled the walls around the bathtub with plain white tiles that I love, they give a clean nice look.

The floor has been tiled as well. Now the floor trim is almost all installed.

Thanx for having a looksee =)

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