Wednesday, October 20, 2010

{ Sad Little Wood And Canvas Chair }

I've had this chair for a long time and cannot remember how and when we got it. I will try and bring it back to live within the next week or so. I think with a little paint and new fabric this little guy will look nice again.

{ Doesn't it look sad? }

So here it is with it's back support missing, the wood is splattered with paint and is faded from exposure to sun.

Here I was taking it apart to get is ready for sanding

The old seat canvas has been washed so it can be covered with new fabric. I wanted to reuse it, because it is very sturdy. The new cover will be cotton canvas which is really a paint drop cloth I bought at the hardware store.

The wooden chair parts have been sanded, primed and painted white. After the paint had dried the seat canvas was replaced and secured with the hardware.

The only thing left to do was sew a new back support. For a little bit of girly flair I added a nice crochet border.

Here is the chair all finished. Still need to iron the back support a little tho!

 I can't help, but be proud of it. =)

Thanx for having a looksee =)

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