Tuesday, October 5, 2010

{ Our House }

We bought this house a little over a year ago.
When I say house I mean it is a mobile home. I honestly never thought I would live in one!
We moved to this town, because my husband started a new job here with the local Police Department and this place was the only one we could afford and move into fairly quick.

It is a double wide and surprisingly large. More than enough space for my husband and I.
There are 4 bedrooms and of course a kitchen, a dining room with fire place, living room, master and guest bathroom, laundry room and a small office type room.

This house is not a new fancy one and needs a lot of remodeling to get it updated.
Trust me, it is far from being my dream home, but maybe after things get done to our liking it will start to feel like home!?

We will have to re-do each room as the budget allows.
I thought it would be neat to keep track of progresses made with renovations and decor projects by posting them here in this blog.

~ We're having a long road ahead of us in making this house a home! ~

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